Meet the Benders

Melissa and Jesse Bender are passionately dedicated to living a fit lifestyle. The Benders both have their Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy. 

In 2011, Melissa created: Bender Fitness now hosts over 400 different free home workouts. She believes that fitness should be free and accessible to people from all walks of life. 

Melissa is a certified yoga instructor who loves all aspects of fitness. She won the reader's choice award for Fitness Magazine's "Face of Fitness" contest. She left her first NPC Bikini Competition with two trophies. 

Melissa has also assistant coached high school level cross country running. 

Jesse Bender is a collegiate level hall of fame cross country runner. Jesse has been running since high school, and is currently assistant coaching his high school's cross country team. 

Jesse is an Occupational Therapist, and uses his therapeutic skills to assist runner's in maximizing their individual potential. 

The Benders teach Boot Camp and Yoga classes at a local wellness center. 

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