Hi Everyone!
This workout was a part of the BenderFitness.com 30 Day Workout Challenge. I really enjoyed this workout. It's a nice combination of strength, stretch, and cardiovascular challenge. It's a great full body workout, and it is also a good cross training workout for runners.
Cross training is imperative for runners because it helps maintain muscular balance. Running is a repetitive motion, which can cause biomechanical changes in your body. Your biomechanics impact joint integrity, and can either prevent or contribute to injury. This workout is targeted to the needs of runners looking to maintain muscular balance.
I repeated this workout 3X and added some weights for rounds 2 & 3. I also picked up the speed for the last 5 minute interval to a 7.2 min/mile pace (8.2 mph on the treadmill) to increase the challenge. The speed can be adjusted to your own pace/running needs.
I hope you enjoy the workout!
PS Don't forget to check in after your workout: Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Equipment: Gymboss Interval Timer
1. Runners Lunge Kick (right)**
2. Runners Lunge Kick (left)**
3. Dive Bomber
4. Bicycle
5. Forward Fold Leg Lift (right)
6. Forward Fold Leg Lift (left)
7. Side Plank Pushup
8. Leg/Hip Lift
9. Curtsy Lunge Kick (right)**
10. Curtsy Lunge Kick (left)**
*5 Minute Run or Cardio of Choice
(**I used a 20 lb dumbbell on these exercises during rounds 2 & 3)
Repeat 1-3X
Alternate 5 Minute Cardio Blast:
All Levels: Max Reps during each 50 second interval, 10 seconds of rest between exercises. Followed by 1 mile run, or 5-10 minutes of cardio of choice.
1. Frog Hopper
2. Curtsy Lunge Twist (right)
3. Bicycle Abs
4. Curtsy Lunge Twist (left)
5. Jumping Jack Pushup