Hi Everyone!
My workout from last night is posted below. This is a great fat burning, and toning workout to improve muscular strength, endurance, and speed.
This series of exercises utilizes compound moves for a full body workout. Keeping the rest time in between each exercise short also increases the calorie burn and VO2 max benefits of this workout.
I paired this with an 800 meter repeat workout. I completed my run in 800 meter (half mile) increments. I chose a challenging pace, and ran this on the treadmill. It can also be completed outside. If your local high school or college has a standard sized (400 meter) track that would be two loops around the track.
I ran six 800s, with short rest breaks in between each half mile. I kept my rest breaks in between each interval to about 1:30 to 2 minutes. When you are first starting with this type of workout you should keep the rest breaks equal to the running time. For example, if you run an 800 in 4 minutes, rest for 4 minutes before the next one. As your cardiovascular system progresses you will be able to decrease the amount of rest time in between intervals. It is important to select a pace that is challenging to you. I followed my run with a walk to cool down.
My workout breakdown was as follows. Remember, if you try this workout select an appropriate pace for you. Also, be sure to warm up! (.5 Miles=800 Meters)
1. .5 Miles: 3:02 Minutes (Treadmill speed 10, Incline 1)
2. .5 Miles: 3:15 Minutes (Speed 9.5)
3. .5 Miles: 3:07 Minutes (Speed 9.6)
4. .5 Miles: 3:00 Minutes (Speed: 10.1)
5. .5 Miles: 2:58 Minutes (Speed: 10.1)
6. .5 Miles: 2:56 Minutes (Speed 10.2)
Total Distance: 3 Miles
Total Run Time: 18 Minutes, 18 Seconds
I find that I always have more energy as the run progresses so I picked up the pace a little bit. The first mile or so of a run is the hardest for me, as my body warms up and transitions into running mode. Jesse tells me that is the sign of a true distance runner. :)
I hope you guys enjoy the workout!
Beginner: 10 reps, 30 second interval
Intermediate: 15 reps, 45 seconds,
Advanced: 20 reps, 60 seconds
1. Mountain Climbers (timed)
2. Lunge Jump
3. 3-Way Frogger
4. Squat Jump
5. Spiderman Push-ups
6. Lunging Side Kick
7. Plank Reach Stretch
8. Ninja Jump
9. Knee Drop Plank
10. Knee Tap
Repeat 1-3X